Thursday, December 23, 2010


We went to see Santa at Mommy's work party again this year. It was pretty cool. Some of you will remember my reaction to Santa (NO SANTA!) last year and you will recognize the same from Sammy (see below). I, on the other hand, marched straight up there and got on his lap and hold him I wanted Mickey and Minnie. You can see by my face that once I got up there I wasn't so sure... but I toughed it out. And I'm sure glad I did because.... THEN HE GAVE THEM TO ME AS A PRESENT. I couldn't beleive it and kept saying "Mommy, how did he know??" Check out my Minnie and Mickey. I am particularly obsessed with Minnie. I sleep with her, and she sits at the dinner table with me. I even recently went to lunch with Bia and asked the hostess if Minnie could have her own high chair (she said yes). Then it was Sam's turn. He can't talk yet, but if he could I am sure he would have been saying "NO SANTA!"

I am very protective of my little brother and I was very worried about him and ran right up and told Santa to give him back to Mommy because he was crying. Mommy said it was hysterical.Here he is feeling much better with Mommy holding him. Silly Santa.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bye Bye Daddy!

Daddy went on a long trip to Iraq. Mom says he is called "deployed." He left last week on Friday. Before he left, my mommy and daddy spent a night away at Landsdowne resort while Bia and Pop pop took care of us, and then we joined mommy & daddy at the resort for brunch. We really miss him already, but hopefully we will get to see him on the web cam soon.

Me and My PONY

My mommy says I am really progressing in my riding. I hold the reins now all by myself and I don't have to hold the saddle anymore. I wear real riding gloves and jodphurs now too. I like to "work on my balance" by doing arm circles and now I get to jump too! See below.
Here we are getting my gloves on.