Monday, May 12, 2008

Sophie at home enjoying all the creature comforts

Sophie is doing great and mom and dad are enjoying watching as she becomes more engaging by the day. We enjoyed a wonderful mother's day....Briana's first! Sophie has enjoyed meeting all of her cat and dog brothers and sisters.......only ones left are the horses. Dogs and cats seem to be curious and everyone has been very gentle especially Ellie. Mom and dad are still trying to convince Sophie that night is the time for sleeping but overall we are all adjusting quite well.


Twinkies said...

She is very cute! The first couple of weeks (or months . . . depending on the baby) are always the hardest for sleeping. For the first few weeks all of ours kids slept the best in a car seat or a swing.
-Pete and Mika

Duncan Family said...

glad you guys are home... good luck on the day and night thing...

spark! (Ada-Marie) said...

Bri - you both look great! I love that picture with the cat and the baby. We have a similar one with Clare and Annie - I am in that same position on the couch. I will send it to you - it is almost uncanny! Sending our love!