Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving in Cincinnati!

We went to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving and we were very busy. I travelled great and didn't even cry during the 7 plus hour car ride both ways. My Nannabel opened her new restaurant so we spent a lot of time there. I got to hang out with my aunt Emily and her BF Chris, my Aunt Megan, my grandpa Albert and uncle Gary, and my great grandma Tolly and her family too. We hung out one night at my mom & dad's friends Zach and Jen's house and I LOVED their son Bryce. He was sooooooo funny. I also saw my grandpa Steve & Mimi. And on the way home we saw Jeff and Annie in Columbus. I was exhausted! More pictures to follow.
First check out my turkey dress my Bia made for the special occasion:

Thanksgiving dinner at Nannabel's with Doug, Emily, Chris, Dad & Aunt Megan. I'm sitting on Nannabel's lap.Me with Bryce! Me with my great grandma Tolly. Not everyone has great grandparents and I am lucky enough to have 4 of them!