Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

I have so much to show you! As most of you know, I turned ONE on May 7th. Mom and dad can't believe I'm one already. I had a big party on Saturday, but those pictures will come later. There are a ton of them and we are still trying to sort through. We have some other pictures from the real big day and my birthday week to show you.
Here I am in my Birthday Girl outfit- I wore this to school on my big day. At school, all the teachers and other kids made cards for me. They are too cute.

Also, I ate my first taste of real sugar on my actual birthday. My Nannabel made a special blueberry cake just for me and sent it in the mail. She made sure it arrived on my birthday. As you may be aware, she has her own restaurant in Cincy, and desserts are her specialty, so this was no ordinary cake. I thought it was so yummy that I made growling noises while I was eating it.