Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gymnastics & Swimming

My mom is taking me to some activities that are just for me. We leave my new little brother at home and have some girls only outings. On Mondays we have swimming lessons. I am not a big fan of swimming. I pretty much cry the whole time and repeat "All Done Swimming!" for about half an hour. The teacher said it was harder on mom than me though. We are going to try again this Monday and we are hoping it gets better... Mom is hoping I am OK in the water by our trip to Florida. I am not so sure. On Sundays we have gymnastics. Oh my gosh, I LOVE GYMNASTICS. It is so much fun. I jump on the trampoline, swing on the high bars, walk on the beam, and work on front and back rolls. There is another little girl in my class and I love to do everything she does. It is so much fun!