Friday, July 10, 2009

Old News and New Pictures

Hi Everybody! We are really sorry its been so long since we posted. Its just we've been so busy.... We're pretty sure everyone has heard our big news by now- I am going to have a little brother or sister- due Christmas Eve. My mommy is about 16 weeks along and has felt great this pregnancy. She says its really different from me when she was throwing up everyday. She is even ready to change her "I hate being pregnant" mantra. She thinks its a boy b/c she feels SO different but we will find out sometime in August!
We went to Burt Lake for July 4th and had an amazing time. My uncle Dean and aunt Deb were there, along with Bia & Pop Pop and Robbie, Travis & Heather. The weather was cold the first few days, but then it was perfect over the weekend. Below are a few pictures to start from the colder days, but we have TONS to share over the next couple of days. We were sad to leave, but we are very lucky b/c we get to go back in August!


Duncan Family said...

vera loves the pictures of the horses on the side... we really need to plan a trip up!