Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rhythm and Rhyme with Costumes!

Did I tell you what Sammy and I were for Halloween yet? I was MINNIE and he was MICKEY! In case you haven't heard, I am completely obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. If Mommy and Daddy would let me, I would watch it ALL day. I talk about the characters all the time as if they are my best friends (well, they are!). Most days when Mommy gets home I tell her about how they came over to play with me on my swingset or with my blocks. So, when it was time to decide what to be for halloween, the choice was pretty clear. I loved my costume so much that when Mommy brought it home, I was so excited I almost cried. I tried the whole thing on and I said "Oh, thank you Mommy. I look amazing!" My favorite part are the shoes. I slept in them once and I love them so much I would wear them everyday if I could. They even light up when I walk.
Sammy and I got to wear our costumes three times... First up, on Wednesdays we go to our Rhythm and Rhyme class at the library with Kendall. We dance and sing and play with instruments. Everyone wore their costumes and it was really cool to see what everyone chose to be for Halloween. Check Mickey Out!

Here we are with Miss Kendall!